Pastor Braun's Weekly News - May 16

Brothers and sisters in Christ,
Here is what is coming up at Immanuel:
1.     This Sunday we continue our study on the Rise and Fall of the Judges during bible study at 9 am.  If you want to read ahead we are focusing on Gideon (Judges 6-8).
2.     This Sunday is Pentecost and our sermon will focus on Acts 2:1-21.  We will also be commissioning our vision team and recognizing our High School and College graduates.  Speaking of which if you would like your graduate recognized they need to have their information to Carrie Ann Swaim by this Friday (May 17)!
3.     We will also be opening up the Vision  Survey this Sunday!  It is an exciting time to be a part of our Immanuel Community and we look forward to gaining insights from each of you.  The survey is only 7 questions long, can be filled out in hard copy form or online and is open till June 2nd.  The surveys will then be sent to LCEF for analysis.
4.     The follow-up to this survey will take place on June 19th at 6:30 pm with our Vision Event!  This will be a great time for us to gather to dream together under the guidance of Pastor John Glover from LCEF.  Why June 19th? 1. With it being VBS Week, we thought there would be more people around for a Summer gathering.  2. We have a rich tradition of Groups being active on Wednesday evenings. And 3. That is when Pastor Glover could join us.  We look forward to Painting God’s Vision with you.
5.     Speaking of celebrating we have our kickoff to summer congregational picnic on June 9th.  The men’s group will be smoking meat for this event on June 8th.  We are asking families whose last name starts with a letter between A and L we are asking to bring a side dish or chips, and those with last names between M and Z to bring a dessert.  This is a great way to celebrate with fellowship and food.
For these and all other announcements, you can go to our website, and pick up the announcements on Sunday.  Thank you for your time and as always, we cant wait to see you.
In Christ,
><>Pastor Ben

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