Pastor Braun's Weekly News - June 13

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Here is what is coming up at Immanuel:
1.      Thank you to everyone who filled out the Visioning survey all results have been turned in to LCEF.  This upcoming Wednesday (June 19th) at 6:30pm in the Gym is our next exciting Visioning Event “Paint Our Future”.  This event will focus upon dreaming together, prioritizing together and taking the next steps to Paint the Vision God has for us!  Light Refreshments and Child Care provided! We hope to see you there.
2.      Just a reminder that June 17 -21, is our annual VBS “Hidden Within: Jesus is my Treasure”.  If you haven’t done so and would still like to volunteer please contact Todd Stevens.
3.      If you would like to read ahead for our adult bible study at 9am on Sunday on “The Rise and Fall of the Judges” we will be finishing up Judges chapter 9 and moving into chapter 10.
For these and all other announcements please go to our website and pick up the announcements on Sunday morning.  Thank you for your time and we can’t wait to see you.
In Christ,
><>Pastor Ben

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