Coming out of Covid

Coming out of COVID Update

There are lots of things that seemed to be put on hold the past six to twelve months. I thought it might be a good time to take just a moment and update you on the status of some of those items.
  • Screens – As you know we have been without screens since December. Todd Stevens and Chris Winston have been in consultation with church lighting and technical advisors. We are working to determine the best plan of action for us. There are many options out there, not just projectors, and we want to find the option that is perfect for our use.
  • Re-imagining Immanuel – The re-imagining process was complete shortly after our last congregational meeting on November 8, 2020. At that meeting we revealed the four pillars help identify who Immanuel Lutheran Church is and what we do. Those four pillars were identified (Worship, Welcome, Work, and Witness) and explained to us by the church staff. At that point we were ready to reveal the purpose statement in January. During this time, we learned that Steve Zehnder would be leaving and ILCA would be getting a new headmaster. It was decided that it would be best to leave the purpose statement reveal until such time that the new headmaster arrived. Jake Rogers will be here on July 5, and Pastor Wilke and Mr. Rogers will begin working on one purpose statement that incorporates both church and school into the same ministry. We are very excited to have create a purpose statement that gives our two ministries the same focus and allows us to walk together and not side by side.
  • Services – For the near future, we will remain with one service. One service allows Pastor Wilke to continue serving Trinity and thus serving our district. Also, one service allows for the best use of our volunteers and maximizes the size of our sanctuary.
  • Headmaster – Mr. Jake Rogers has accepted the call to serve Immanuel Lutheran Christian Academy. He will arrive and begin working July 6. He is very excited about the prospect of church and school walking together in ministry. Jake views the school as an outreach of the congregation, and he desires to bring families into fellowship with Christ and our community.

If you have any questions regarding these bullet points, please contact Pastor Wilke or Paul Tobben.

Let us rejoice at God’s faithfulness to us during the COVID journey and celebrate the future that God has planned for us.

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