Pastor Braun's Weekly News

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Here is what is coming up this week at Immanuel:
1.     I am sorry this is a longer video/email but there is a lot to make you aware of this week at Immanuel. I hope you are as excited as I am because ready or not Holy Week is here!  That glorious time of year where we gather throughout the week to remember and celebrate the Passion of our Lord.  This week our sermons will focus on “The Journey of the Lamb”.  All of Holy Week is the epitome of the lamb of God journeying for us to be the sacrifice and victory for us and this week we journey with the Lamb through the cross to the empty tomb.
2.     Before we get into our worship times this Sunday during the education hour adult class we will be wrapping up our series “Not an Isolated Event” and begin planning themes for our future classes.
3.     Palm Sunday is this Sunday (March 24th) at 10am.  Make sure and remind your kids that we will be having a Palm Branch processional to begin the service, please meet in the Narthex prior to the service to participate.  Our theme will be “The Lamb Enters”  Jesus enters to shouts of Hosanna, not as a conquering king but as a lamb.  A lamb with one goal, to journey through the cross to the conquered tomb.  Our shouts of Hosanna “God Save Us” are answered as the sacrificial lamb enters to accomplish just that.
4.     On Thursday we have our Maundy Thursday celebration at 6:45 p.m..  Can’t make it at that time then you are invited to join us for a special Chapel service, including the baptism of one of our young people.  This will take place at 2:15pm.  Our theme for Maundy Thursday is “The Un-Cleansable Lamb”.  Ordinarily lambs that were to be sacrificed to pay for the sins of God’s people had to be ritually washed, they had to be cleansed.  Jesus as the lamb did not need to be cleansed, he is truly without blemish.  When the disciples say they should wash His feet, there is no need, rather they must be cleansed by the lamb, as you and I do.
5.     Our Good Friday Service of Tenebrae will be at 6:45pm.  In each of our Meditations we will be focusing on Jesus as “The Sacrificial Lamb”.  Without a word he journeys.  With no crime he claims our guilt.  With us on his heart he lays down his life and the sacrifice is made.
6.     Join us this Saturday at 11am for our Easter Egg Hunt, Pizza, games and fellowship event, it should be fun for the whole family.
7.     Finally the climax of our Holy week celebrations.  We invite you join us at 6:45am for our Sunrise Gathering.  This service is designed to be the beginning of our worship.  Just as the women made multiple trips to the empty tomb, so too do we journey throughout the morning to witness our resurrected Lord.  From 7:30am to 9:30am our youth are hosting our annual Easter Brunch.  We then gather back together at 10am for our Easter Worship Service with Holy Communion and celebrate the “Unconquered Lamb”.   The lamb is not dead.  Death has no sting.  He is the lamb of God now reigning over the death He conquered and now shepherd His flock, desiring no sacrifice from them.
8.     For these and all other announcements checkout our Website or pick up the announcements in the narthex on Sunday
Thank you, God Bless and we can’t wait to see you.
><>Pastor Ben

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