Message from the Board of Elders

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As you know Bob Krahn has stepped down from his position as Director of the Board Elders and resigned from the board.  The Elders have met and elected me to replace Bob as director.  I am humbled by their trust and ask for your prayers as I take over this position.  As a Deacon of Immanuel, Bob will still be teaching classes and assisting with worship on Sunday mornings so that won't change.
Still, it seems like a lot is changing, doesn't it?  Just when we think Covid might be under control it changes into a new variant and upsets everything again.  Our beloved Pastor takes a call to another church, and we wonder what changes will result.  When everything around us seems to be changing it's only natural to have some anxiety because, as we all know, Lutherans just don't like change.  So let me remind you of what will not change.  The Word of God does not change.  The love the Father has for us through Christ Jesus does not change.  The Holy Spirit will continue to call, gather, enlighten, and sanctify us.  We will still hear Law and Gospel preached from the pulpit.  The gifts of God will still come to us through the Sacraments and we will continue to leave worship with the certainty that all our sins have been forgiven through Christ Jesus!  Certain of all this there is only one thing I am anxious about.  I am anxious to meet the pastor that, even now, the Holy spirit is preparing to bring to us at Immanuel.
As to who that may be and when it will happen, we don't know yet.  I'd like to let you know where we are in the process.  The call process is a joint effort between Immanuel and the Oklahoma district, and the elders have already met with our circuit visitor to take our first steps.  The District is currently seeking a vacancy pastor who will be assigned to Immanuel.  This pastor will provide pastoral leadership during the vacancy and, on a schedule to be determined, lead our services on Sunday.  As of this writing I do not know who that will be but will announce that as soon as I do. The elder board is also currently discussing the formation of a Call Committee.  Once that committee is in place our search will begin and our circuit visitor will help guide us through the next steps.  Ultimately it will not be the Board of Elders or the call committee that will call a new pastor to Immanuel.  It will be the congregation that will call our next pastor.  Over the coming months you will have the opportunity to make your voices heard on this important decision so I ask that you be in prayer during this time of vacancy.  Pray for the man who is to be our next pastor.  Pray for our church staff and our school staff as they continue their efforts on our behalf.  Most importantly pray for one another, that the peace of God, that passes all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus during this time of change.

Yours in Christ,
John Brigham

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