2023 Music Ministry Schedules
August 27, 2023
Chancel: I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me
September 3rd
Chancel: How Clear Is Our Vocation, Lord - arr. Hildebrand (Copyright 1982 CPH,
September 10th
Men’s Choir: Trusting in the Savior - (C) 2023 Hal Leonard Arrangement by Michael Ware Words: Edward Hopper
September 17th
Chancel: Teach Me, O Lord - Attwood
September 24th
Handbells: How Firm a Foundation, Linda Lamb Handbells (Copyright CPH, 2023)
October 1st
Mens' Choir: Not One Sparrow is Forgotten (Molly Ijames) copyright 2012 SoundForth / Lorenz
October 8th
The Lord's My Shepherd, Psalm 23 John Behnke, Handbells and Choir (Copyright 1997, CPH)
October 15th
Chancel Choir with Soloist TBD: A Prayer of Saint Richard of Chichester - L.J. White (Copyright Oxford University Press, 1947)
October 22
Handbells: Prelude on Lamb of God Twila Paris / J. Wayne Kerr (Copyright 2007 CPH)
October 29 (Reformation)
Chancel: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring - Bach (Chris has arr and copyright info in Dropbox)
Orchestra: Reformation Suite (Benjamin Culli) + Hymns
November 5th (All Saitnts)
Chancel: Saints Bound for Heaven - arr. Parker/Shaw (Copyright 1961, Lawson Gould)
November 12th
Handbells: How Can I Keep From Singing? Robert Lowry arr. Arnold B. Sherman (c)Red River Music, Inc. 2007
November 19th
Chancel and Schola: Look at the World - Rutter (Copyright Oxford University Press, 1996)
Thanksgiving Service November 21st
Christ the King Sunday (Last Sunday of the Church Year) Nov 26th
Chancel: Praise Him -Courtney
December 3
Men's Choir: The People Who Walked in Darkness (Pepper Choplin)