Rev. Benjamin Braun
Pastor Braun, his wife Anna, and children Kyah (8th grade), Dillan (6th), and Hailey (3rd) will be joining our church and school family this summer. Pastor Braun graduated from Concordia University in Wisconsin and then Concordia Seminary in St. Louis. His first Call was as associate Pastor at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church in Austin, TX. He has been serving as Senior Pastor at his most recent congregation, Faith Lutheran, in Penfield, NY since 2016. Pastor Braun will be installed on August 20th at 4 pm. Join us in welcoming our new shepherd.

Carrie Ann Swaim
Director of Teen Ministry
Carrie Ann is the ministry leader of youth grades 6th-12th grade
Todd Stevens
Director of Children's Ministry
Todd leads in a variety of growing programs designed to meet the needs of children and their families, from infancy through elementary school. Todd trained for education ministry at Concordia University and served as Director of Christian Education (DCE) in St. Louis, MO and Edmond, OK.

Chris Winston
Director of Worship Arts
Chris leads the Music Ministry of Immanuel and directs the instrumental groups. Chris has his degree in music from the University of North Texas and has served in church music for 30 years. He is an internationally published composer with Concordia Publishing House among many other publishing companies worldwide.
Music Ministry Programs: Chancel Choir, Men’s Choir, Schola Cantorum, Music Makers, Handbells, Orchestra, Praise Band, and Brass.
Music Ministry Programs: Chancel Choir, Men’s Choir, Schola Cantorum, Music Makers, Handbells, Orchestra, Praise Band, and Brass.
Rebecca Winston
Director of Vocal Music
Rebecca directs the Chancel Choir and Schola Cantorum Children’s Choir for children aged 1st-8th grade at Immanuel. She has been singing, teaching, and conducting professionally for over 25 years. Rebecca received her Bachelor’s degree in Vocal Performance from Centenary College of Louisiana and her Master’s degree in Vocal Performance and Pedagogy from the University of North Texas.
Tammy Seeman
Tammy produces our weekly bulletin and Power Point for Sunday worship services. She has been at Immanuel for over 20 years.