Follow the Leader

Do you remember the game Follow the Leader? It is a simple game to play, you choose a leader and then you do what they do. I love this game because unlike most games everyone’s a winner, and in the Wilke household it is best if there are no losers.
Last week I told you about our teens heading over to Trinity Broken Arrow, to lead VBS. They will be giving three mornings of their time to help another church. It doesn’t stop there. In case you forgot we had teens who gave a week to serve our VBS, to serve our local missions (and that has continued beyond that one week), and to serve our greater community in Michigan. What a wonderful witness of servant hearts our youth are to our community and to us.
It might be time for each of us to play Follow the Leader and the youth of Immanuel are the leaders. On August 15th, we will once again have our ministry fair. Each of us will have a chance to find a place where we can serve or to create a new space for us to serve. Our youth did not ask, “What’s in it for me.” No, they were looking at what was in it for everyone else and for the Kingdom of God.
How great would it be if every member of our church had a ministry to call home? The scriptures assign to us the roles of eyes, ears, mouths, hands, and feet. Nowhere in scripture are we called to be anything but people of action. Like our teens, let us all take up the challenge to serve for the greater good. Let us become people of action and a church of action.
Together let us follow the Leader, Christ, wherever He may go, or wherever He may send us.

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