Pastor Braun's Weekly News - July 23

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Here is what is coming up at Immanuel:
1.        The gym floor is done!  When using the gym please try to make sure your shoes are free of debris to help keep it in good condition.
2.        ILCA is looking for potential host families for our international students.  If you are interested in receiving more information on what is included in this process please contact Headmaster Rogers at
3.        Rally Day will be August 11.  As a part of our kick-off to the school year we hope to unveil the new vision/guiding statement.  The biblical foundations for this statement will be unpacked in the weeks following.  Also as a part of Rally day, we will be having our annual ministry fair.  This is a great opportunity to sign up to participate in our various ministries at Immanuel.
4.        During the adult education hour at 9am in the gym, we will be continuing our series, “The Rise and Fall of the Judges”.  If you want to read ahead please read Judges Chapter 12, “Jephthah and Ephraim.
5.        Finally during worship at 10am our sermon will be focusing on “Covenants”, we hope to see you there.
For these and all other announcements please go to our website,, or pick up a copy in the narthex on Sunday morning.  Thank you for your time and always we can’t wait to see you.
In Christ,
><>Pastor Ben

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