Switching Online Giving Providers

Why are we Switching?
All in One Platform - Now our website, app and giving platform are all within Subsplash. This makes cost and user interaction more streamlined.
Lower Processing Rates - Subsplash's innovative Grow Curve offers the industry's lowest processing rates. Saving us $15,000 our first year of use!
Fast & Secure Process - Not only is Subsplash certified for the highest encryption and security, but the process of giving online can also take less than 1 minute.
If you have a recurring gift
through PushPay then follow these four steps to make the transition (if you do not currently have a recurring gift to PushPay but would like to start one with Subsplash Giving then go directly to step four):
Click Here to sign in to your PushPay account
Click the edit button next to your recurring gifts.

Click the cancel button in the top right corner.

Now that your Pushpay recurring gift is canceled you can set up a new recurring gift through Subsplash. Click Here to Begin!

PushPay will remain until March 31st so please make the move to Subsplash Giving before then. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we move to this new platform.

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