Message from Pastor Wilke

Dear Immanuel Family,

Trinity Lutheran Church will have a pastoral vacancy as of April 30th, as Pastor Cloeter retires. At the request of our Circuit Counselor and District President, and after discussion with the Director of the Board of Elders, Bob Krahn, I have agreed to assist them during their vacancy. Much of what I will do is centered around providing communion for those who cannot attend during the week and being available during the week for counseling. I will, from time to time, preach for them when retired pastors are not available (we are blessed to have three licensed Lay Deacons who can cover for me).

I take on this responsibility for one reason, to ensure that no church is left without pastoral care. I feel blessed that I can provide help to them while they seek a new pastor. My prayer during this time is that we can find ways for our congregations to join together for worship and ministry opportunities.

Let us pray that God quickly provides an undershepherd for the sheep at Trinity.

In Christ, for the church and the world,

Rev. John Wilke

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