Week of Prayer

Hello Immanuel Family,

As we continue the process of Calling our next pastor, we would like to encourage you to join us in a week of prayer. Praying for this call process, our congregation, our school, and all who help the process along. We have included a general topic for each day of the week beginning with Sunday. Our hope is that our hearts will be united with this week of prayer as we journey in the Calling of our next pastor. Consider placing this list on your refrigerator, next to your bed, or in your car. Pray them each day with your family after you eat. Wherever or whenever you gather to spend time with your Lord, let us “rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thess. 5:16-18

Sunday: Pray for our pastor and his family

Monday: The Call process

Tuesday: The Call committee (Jon Bence, Wes Beasley, John Brigham, Irene Rainwater, Jennifer Stickney, Joel Heisteberg, David Lange, Jake Rogers, Chris Winston, Vince Carr, and Todd Stevens)

Wednesday: The church staff (Christy Hackler, Tammy Seeman, Rebecca Winston, Carrie Ann Swaim, Chris Winston, and Todd Stevens)

Thursday: The congregation

Friday: The School, Mr. Rogers, the teachers, and staff (Mrs. Hipskind, Mrs. Barton, Mrs. Brinkman, Mrs. Carr, Mr. Clark, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Cobb, Mrs. Duran, Mrs. Hendricks, Mr. Emerson, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Devin, Mrs. Long, Mrs. McGrew, Mr. Mueller, Mr. Korver, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Schultz, and Mrs. Wittaker, Keisha Huggins, Betsy Fleming, Lizzie Jones, Kim Baird, Chloe Hickman, Esha Shelton, Emily Baird, Traci Ward, Haley Thomas, Tawnya Torres, Hayden Shelton, Stacy Blackwell, Angie Koepsel, Maggie Toupin, Bayly Worthington, Emmy Jackson, Rachel McGrew, Julie Boevers, Tabitha West, Brianna Brealey, Lizzie Fry, Leah fry, Jade Hills, Jalyn Barnhart, Olivia Smith, Lilli Price, Marjai Adams, Jordyn Copple, Victoria Lomeli, Gabby Ashe, Lexia Edmundson, Eliana Hall, and Melody Stanley)

Saturday: District Leadership including Pastor Henke (District President), Pastor Meyer (Circuit Visitor), Pastor Dailey (Vacancy pastor), Pastor Burger, Pastor Cloeter, Pastor Bening, and Pastor Carter (Preachers)

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