Pastor Braun's Weekly News - June 20

Brothers and sisters in Christ,
Here is what is coming up at Immanuel:
1.   Thank you to all of our youth and adult volunteers who served at our VBS this last week, proclaiming the name of Jesus to over 200 young people!
2.   This Sunday after the worship service is our bi-annual Congregational Meeting, we hope to see you there!
3.   This fall I am looking for volunteers to teach an adult education class periodically that will be an extra option for people, outside of my class, email me if interested.
4.   Finally here is a special note from Pastor Spomer and Connie:
Dear Immanuel Family,
Thanks you for joining with us on Sunday, June 16, in celebration and thanks to God for the 60th anniversary of my ordination to the ministry.
Connie and I so greatly appreciated the many expressions of love lavished on us.  We especially appreciated the warmth and affirmation we received from our pastor, Ben Braun.  
It has been a special privilege to have served so many of those years among you at Immanuel, since arriving here in 1982.  I cannot imagine a congregation more loving and eager to grow in Christ.  My time here has been especially rewarding.
Todd Stevens made reference to my 60 years in his Children’s Message this last Sunday while showing pictures of an acorn and the mature Oak tree that grew from it as he exhorted the children to grow up in their faith.
Years don’t always mean greater maturity. Often, I feel more like a nut than like the tree.  But, as Todd pointed out, the Kingdom is the main thing!
May God bless Immanuel’s lovely future with ongoing Joy in Jesus.
Arthur J. Spomer, pastor emeritus
For these and all other announcements please go to our website https://immanuelba.organd pick up our announcements on Sunday morning.  Thank you for your time and we can’t wait to see you.
In Christ,
><>Pastor Ben

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