VBS Needs Your Help
June 20-24th
Hello Immanuel,

We are in great need of VBS volunteers!! As of today, June 14th, we have 284 kids signed up and we usually receive another 40-50 on the first day. This means we need A LOT of volunteers to make it all work.

Would you prayerfully consider helping this year? We need an additional:
10 small group leaders (7th grade - adults leading kids to the different stations, no teaching involved)
6-8 people to help with crafts
3-5 people to help with games
3-5 people to help with snacks
2-4 people to help with Immanuel's preschool class
##### people to help set up on June 19th after the worship service
If your schedule only allows you to be here for a couple of days, we can still use you in the crafts, games, and snacks. But if you can be here Monday-Friday we would love for you to be a small group leader!

VBS is June 20-24th from 9-12 pm

You can email Todd Stevens at tstevens@immanuelba.org or CLICK HERE to register online
If you have already signed up to help, Thank You!

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