Weekly Bible Study Opportunities

Dear Immanuel Family,
In light of the resurgence of COVID, and the uncertainty of when or if it will slow down, there will be a change to our adult education program. For this year, we will not be following a traditional Wednesday night program. The hope is that having smaller groups meeting on different days throughout the week will keep us safer.
To best serve you, we will be providing five different bible studies throughout the week. Please see the list of teachers and classes that are being offered. We would like for everyone to sign up for the class they wish to attend so we can have materials if necessary and a room sufficiently large enough for social distancing if that becomes necessary or is desired by the group. Please give thanks for the wonderful leaders who have stepped up to teach and give us wonderful opportunities to be in the Word of God.
Sign up sheets for these bible studies and all other ministry opportunities are located on the table as you enter the gym.
In Christ, Pastor Wilke

Mid-Week Bible Study Opportunities

Beginning Sept. 7

Tuesday Evenings at 7 pm

Dan Kois (daniel.a.kois@gmail.com) will be leading a Lifelight Bible study on Law and Gospel. Only when we clearly understand the Law and its demands, threats, and consequences for our lives can we appreciate the comforting message of the Gospel. This is a nine-week study that requires some out-of-class time.

Beginning Sept. 8

Wednesday Mornings

Elder Joe Kuhlman (wjkuhl1007@gmail.com) helps us think about how we engage with the world. Using a concept called the Engagement Triangle, you can learn how to witness in today’s world to the people that need to hear the Good News the most.

Wednesday Evenings at 6 pm  

Deacon John Brigham (jbrigham2004@yahoo.com) teaches the Gospel of John. Luther holds John as the master above all Evangelists, for he treats this doctrine of Christ’s divinity and His humanity persistently and diligently.

Beginning Sept. 9

Thursday Mornings at 10 am

Join Pastor Wilke (jwilke@immanuelba.org) for a journey through Romans, “This epistle is really the chief part of the New Testament and is truly the purest gospel. It is worthy not only that every Christian should know it word for word, by heart, but also that he should occupy himself with it every day, as the daily bread of the soul. We can never read it or ponder over it too much; for the more, we deal with it, the more precious it becomes and the better it tastes . . ..” Dr. Martin Luther

Thursday Evenings at 6 pm
Joey Orvis ( joeyorvis@gmail.com) leads a book study of Fire and the Staff. ''The Fire and the Staff captures the relationship between doctrine and practice. Doctrine is like a fire. It lights our way and warms us. Doctrine and practice are more closely related, even interdependent, than is often realized. Doctrine affects practice and practice affects doctrine. The two are so intimately woven together that when you change one, you will inevitably change the other, sometimes without realizing what has happened.'

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